Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions

A little support early on may prevent extreme vulnerability later.

Identify the pattern
Identify the error
Nip it in the bud
Correct the pattern

Welcome to ONESMALLKEY to change

ONESMALLKEY, is a small business based in Ripponden, West Yorkshire specialising in Business Coaching, Mentoring, Change Agency, Training and The Alexander Technique, AT. The Business has been operating since 1993 and was founded by Olwen Edwards.

OUR AIM is improving performance by small, immediate, continuous and regular adjustment.

We promote self-confidence in practical problem solving whilst managing change in the workplace and all aspects of life,

  • by facilitating practical, simple, change and innovation in patterns, services, processes, operations that no longer serve well enough.
  • so as to solve problems quickly (where possible), inexpensively, permanently.
  • by being immediately practical with ideas.
  • to overcome obstacles effectively thus leading to less waste, less struggle, more ease, safety and enjoyment.

ONESMALLKEY to (ideally) rapid improvement with ease, allowing you to do more of what you are good at, with less struggle, less rush.thus be more
productive, calmer.